Storyteller for podcasts

Human’s have always craved a good story, we are wired to be compelled by intriguing characters, mysteries that haven’t yet been solved and twists in the tale that beggars belief…

Nowadays, we have stories at our fingertips with with storytelling podcasts! Every genre of story can be found. From history to comedy, from true crime to science fiction. Episodic or short stories have been capturing listeners on podcasts whilst they clean the house, drive to work or drift off to sleep! The right host for the story is essential, they need exceptional storytelling skills, know when to pause, help the listener paint the picture, and create an atmosphere.

As a trained actor, with a passion for telling great stories in all media, I have found Storytelling Podcasts to be one of my most favourite genres to work in. The true crime podcast “On the Trail” gave me such a thrill to tell stories to a wide audience with tales of unsolved crime across the world. It’s important to remember you are telling the story to just one person, build a connection with that person and the story you are telling and lead them on a journey, and wanting to hear more!

The trailer for true crime podcast “On the Trail’ adapted from a popular Finnish podcast by Podster. Narrated by Ally Murphy

You can find On the Trail wherever you listen to your podcasts. Or click on the link for Apple podcasts and Spotify.